Shiplogs: Baby on board magyarul

     14/10/2019 - 31/12/2019                                   »»   page 5/5   ««

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...continued from the previous page

74. day - 26/12/2019 -

Port side engine tasks:
- Put back heat exchanger, generator, air intake box etc.
- Replace starter relay
- Install raw water pump
- Replace all cooling hoses
- Install waterlock (new exhaust hose)
- Fill with fresh coolant mix
- Replace gearbox oil
- Install shaft coupling from SBD engine and align engine
- Install Volvo seal and flexible coupling

Starboard side engine tasks:
- Replace oil cooler hoses (2X)
- Put back heat exchanger, generator, air intake box etc.
- Install raw water pump
- Replace all cooling hoses
- Install waterlock (new exhaust hose)
- Fill with fresh coolant mix
- Replace gearbox oil
- Align engine then remove shaft coupling
- New alternator V belt
- Clean cranksshaft V belt pulley

78. day - 30/12/2019 -


79. day - 31/12/2019 -


80. day - 01/01/2020 -


82. day - 03/01/2020 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

85. day - 06/01/2020 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

86. day - 07/01/2020 -


87. day - 08/01/2020 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

88. day - 09/01/2020 -

English translation is missing, sorry....

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